Monthly Archives: May 2021

WATER WARS – We Are NOT Running Out of Primary Water 05/21/2021

WATER WARS – We Are NOT Running Out of Primary Water 

Here is a video featuring Pal Pauer, from the Primary Water Institute who is being interviewed by Deborah Tavares. 05/2021


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New Water for a Thirsty World – Free PDF Download

Primary Water Deleted Wiki posting

Primary Water Explained

Report from Iron Mountain

The Garlock Project – Drilling for Primary Water in the Tehachapi’s

Pal Pauer’s mentor Hydrologist and Mining Engineer Dr. Stephan Riess was convinced that the primary water source for California City (California) originated from the Garlock Fault. His dream for testing his hypothesis materialized when Pal Pauer drilled two test boreholes adjacent to the Garlock Fault in the Tehachapi Mountains at a 6,000-foot elevation. The outcome is remarkable! The possibilities for water in Southern California are endless.

Quality Unknown, The invisible water crisis, World Bank Group

If you want to make progress on all the major global challenges, start with water