Author Archives: ADMIN

The Great Man-Made River of Libya

One of the biggest civilian development project that Libya’s ex-president Muammar Gaddafi undertook during his forty-two-year rule was the Great Man-Made River. Gaddafi’s dream was to provide fresh water for everyone, and to turn the desert green, making Libya self-sufficient in food production. To make this dream a reality, Gaddafi commissioned a massive engineering project consisting of a network of underground pipes that would bring fresh water from ancient underground aquifers deep in the Sahara to the drought suffering Libyan cities. Gaddafi called it the “Eighth Wonder of the World”. The western media rarely mentioned it, and whenever it did, it was dismissed as a “vanity project” calling it “Gaddafi’s Pet Project” and “the pipe dream of a mad dog”. But truth is, the Great Man-Made River Project is a fantastic water delivery system that has changed lives of Libyans all across the country.


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Libya is one of the sunniest and driest countries in the world. There are places where decades may pass without seeing any rainfall at all, and even in the highlands rainfall seldom happens, like once every 5 to 10 years. Less than 5% of the country receives enough rainfall for settled agriculture. Much of Libya’s water supply used to come from desalination plants on the coast, which were expensive and therefore used only for domestic purposes. Little was left for irrigating the land.

In 1953, while searching for new oilfields in southern Libya, vast quantities of ancient water aquifers were discovered. The exploration team discovered four huge basins with estimated capacities of each ranging between 4,800 and 20,000 cubic km. Most of this water was collected between 38,000 and 14,000 years ago, before the end of the last ice age, when the Saharan region enjoyed a temperate climate.

After Gaddafi and the Free Unitary Officers seized power in a bloodless coup in 1969, the new government immediately nationalized the oil companies and started using the revenues from oil to set up hundreds of bore wells to bring fresh water from the desert aquifers. Initially, Gaddafi planned to set up large-scale agricultural projects in the desert where the water was found, but when the people displayed reluctance to move, he conceived a plan to bring the water to the people instead.


Schematic drawing of the project. Photo credit

In August 1984, Muammar Gaddafi laid the foundation stone for the pipe production plant at Brega, and the Great Man-Made River Project began. Around 1,300 wells were dug into the desert soil, some up to 500 meters deep, to pump water from the subterranean water reserve. The pumped water is then distributed to 6.5 million people living in the cities of Tripoli, Benghazi, Sirte and elsewhere through a network of underground pipes 2,800 km long. When the fifth and final phase of the project is complete, the network will have 4,000 km length of pipes that will enable 155,000 hectares of land to be cultivated. Even with the last two phases yet to complete, the Great Man-Made River is the world’s largest irrigation project.

The pipeline first reached Tripoli in 1996, at the completion of the first phase of the project. Adam Kuwairi, a senior figure in the Great Man-Made River Authority (GMRA), vividly remembers the impact the fresh water had on him and his family.

“The water changed lives. For the first time in our history, there was water in the tap for washing, shaving and showering,” he told BBC. “The quality of life is better now, and it’s impacting on the whole country.”

The project was so well recognized internationally that in 1999, UNESCO accepted Libya’s offer to fund the Great Man-Made River International Water Prize, an award that rewards remarkable scientific research work on water usage in arid areas.


US citizens protesting against US military action in Libya in Minneapolis, on March 21, 2011. Photo credit

In July 2011, NATO bombed the Great Man-Made River water supply pipeline near Brega including a factory that produces the pipes, claiming that the factory was used as “a military storage facility” and that “rockets were launched from there”. NATO’s attack on the pipeline disrupted water supply for 70% of the population who depended on the piped supply for personal use and for irrigation. The country now reeling under civil war, the future of the Great Man-Made River Project is in jeopardy.

Back in 1991, at the opening of the first phase of the project, Muammar Gaddafi had prophetically said about the largest civil engineering venture in the world:

“After this achievement, American threats against Libya will double. The United States will make excuses, but the real reason is to stop this achievement, to keep the people of Libya oppressed.”


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Fleet of more than one hundred transporters has altogether travelled a distance equal to the distance between the Earth and Sun. Photo credit


Transport of pipe segments. Photo credit


Work on trench digging for waterpipe. Photo credit


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Sources: Scoop / Global Research / Human rights investigations / BBC / The Economist

Is This a Coverup to AVOID theReal Source of WATER?

Egypt Is Building A 100Km RIVER In the DESERT 
This project, likely, is a coverup for accessing primarywater – you can not convince me that Egypt or Saudi Arabia did not know abou tLibya’s Great Man Made River Project that was blown-up in 2011 by NATO and USA,Inc.. 
Libya’s water project accessed Primary Water – which is arenewable water source made continuously under the mantel of theearth and found everywhere.  
This renewable primary water source is hidden from the people so they will accept desalination, toilet to tap, toxic rain water reuse, and reuse and capturing of toxic ground water runoff. 

This vid states the water will go through a treatment process.  Again, we do not know if this is a deceptive cover for actually accessing pure clean drinking water ( continue to hide primary water from the populations. The Egyptian River Project also states they are in alignment with sustainable development goals – we know these goals are depopulation schemes for societies worldwide, wherein, reducing water access is a goal.  This is why I think this project is a coverup for an in plain sight construction of distribution of water to address the water needs in the desert for Egypt and Saudi Arabia.  
Your comments are appreciated if you have gone to
and understand what Primary Water is . . . 
Below are a few notes taken out of the video:
This river project is longer than the NileRiver. 
Note: the difference in the beginning of the video where you are shown an open aqueduct as proposed by Saudi Arabia and then large pipes to transport the water by Egypt.    
Artificial river in the middle of the desert – already 35% of the water transmission pipes have already been completed.
The world’s longest river in the desert 
5 billion dollars 
Goal to expand agricultural production in the desertand reduce out of country reliance on imported food. Promote jobs.
To ensure the availability of sustainable water resources for the generations to come, Egypt is has started building the world’s longest man-made river. Known as the New Delta Project, the construction of this ambitious megaproject is estimated at more than $5 billion. The river will span an immense 114,000 kilometres, easily surpassing the length of the Nile. 
This is a comment someone made under the video:
There were disappointing gaps in this video. The first question which came to my mind when I started watching the video was the route of the new man-made river. It was never shown. A related question I had, and the most material issue for this project: what is the source of the water that is being transported? There were passing references to recycled water,but this issue was not really addressed.
The importance of the water source question was highlighted by the mention of the Nile being diverted upstream by Ethiopia, with less water to flow to Egypt. It does not sound like the Nile would have sufficient water capacity to supply a “”man made river”” project, but this question was not addressed or answered in the video. The failure to address these fundamental questions leaves the video somewhat incoherent.
This video is a Coverup – to Hide the Water Source – which is Primary Water
Unbelievable! Egypt Is Building A 100Km RIVER In theDESERT
Water is a “Renewable”
We Are NOT Running Out of Water

WATER – WE can HELP “YOU” Get to WATER – N O W . . .

WATER – WE can HELP “YOU” Get to WATER – N O W . . .

HURRY – Before More Moratoriums PREVENT WATER ACCESS

YOU Can Make a Difference Right Now!V
Dear Friends,


Since 2003, I’ve been sending out briefings to you about the great work we are doing around the world to bring about healthy habitat for all life and forwarding the concept of Cooperative Ecology* with all that we do. 

Our forward progress is dependent upon the financial support we receive. Right now, there are communities waiting for us to locate and bring water to the surface so that they can have a  healthier life for their children and a stronger, self-sustaining economy.
We are absolutely ready to expand our programs. Our scientists are fully prepared to go anywhere around the world. There are communities throughout the Southwest of the U.S., in Kenya, South Africa, and Australia where we have identified that we can find water where it was previously thought not to exist and make an enormously positive impact on the health of the region, including water for wildlife, people, and whole communities. With our technologies, we can create water security and food security like no other organization.  We just need the funds to move forward at the speed we are capable of. 

While Giving Tuesday is certainly not the only day of the year to make donations, it has become a symbolic day on which many people reach out to support the groups they feel are doing the greatest good.

Please let us know that you care about the work we are doing by making a donation – as large as possible.  There’s no question these are difficult times; but we must not allow those who work to make life harder for others slow the forward progress of those who are working hard to make the world a healthier, safer and more prosperous place for all.Will you help? If so, click here for a one-time donation. Or click here for on-going monthly donations.


Barbara Wiseman
International President

P.S. If you haven’t seen the Annual Report we recently published with an overview of accomplishments, click on the cover of it below.

* We seek to instill in people a sense that all life is interdependent, and that the decisions we all make affect the natural world, and then, in turn, circle back to affect the health of each one of us. We call this concept Cooperative Ecology™, meaning that all life does best when it works together with other life.  This better connects everyone with the natural world, and is a way of getting the world to co-operate. It is the basic principle underlying everything we do.

For more information about our work, Click here to download our full Annual Report! 
ShareTweetForwardCopyright © 2020 Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization – United States. All rights reserved.
We are so grateful that you care about this planet,

The Great Man-Made River of Libya 1

This is a story of Primary Water and Why We are NOT Running Out of Water – 

Water is a Renewable.

The Bankers and Controllers DO NOT Want YOU to Know the TRUTH About Water.

Please – Learn What Water Really Is and Where Water Really Comes From  

HINT:  Water “Originates” from Down Below Earth’s Mantel and is NOT From Rain and Snow Melt.

Learn More: Go to 

to the video channel where there are many water interviews

and go to



Back in 1991, at the opening of the first phase of the project, Muammar Gaddafi had prophetically said about the largest civil engineering venture in the world:

“After this achievement, American threats against Libya will double. The United States will make excuses, but the real reason is to stop this achievement, to keep the people of Libya oppressed.”


Now adding to what Muammar Gaddafi foresaw the truth of primary water as a renewable and available EVERYWHERE was to be suppressed at ALL costs. 

No one was to learn the Earth is the Water Planet and We Are NOT Running Out of Water. 


One of the biggest development projects that Libya’s murdered ex-president Muammar Gaddafi undertook during his forty-two-year rule was the Great Man-Made River. Gaddafi’s dream was to provide fresh water for everyone, and to turn the desert green, making Libya self-sufficient in food production. To make this dream a reality, Gaddafi commissioned a massive engineering project consisting of a network of underground pipes that would bring fresh clean water from from down below Earth’s mantel known as Primary Water.  Down below the Sahara Desert Primary Water was accessed for the many suffering from drought.  Gaddafi called it the “Eighth Wonder of the World”. The western media rarely mentioned it, and whenever it did, it was dismissed as a “vanity project” calling it “Gaddafi’s Pet Project” and “the pipe dream of a mad dog”. But truth is, the Great Man-Made River Project is a fantastic water delivery system that has changed lives of Libyans all across the country.


Photo credit

Libya is one of the sunniest and driest countries in the world. There are places where decades may pass without seeing any rainfall at all, and even in the highlands rainfall seldom happens, like once every 5 to 10 years. Less than 5% of the country receives enough rainfall for settled agriculture. Much of Libya’s water supply used to come from desalination plants on the coast, which were expensive and therefore used only for domestic purposes. Little was left for irrigating the land.

In 1953, while searching for new oilfields in southern Libya, vast quantities of ancient water aquifers were discovered. The exploration team discovered four huge basins with estimated capacities of each ranging between 4,800 and 20,000 cubic km. Most of this water was collected between 38,000 and 14,000 years ago, before the end of the last ice age, when the Saharan region enjoyed a temperate climate.

After Gaddafi and the Free Unitary Officers seized power in a bloodless coup in 1969, the new government immediately nationalized the oil companies and started using the revenues from oil to set up hundreds of bore wells to bring fresh water from the desert aquifers. Initially, Gaddafi planned to set up large-scale agricultural projects in the desert where the water was found, but when the people displayed reluctance to move, he conceived a plan to bring the water to the people instead.


Schematic drawing of the project. Photo credit

In August 1984, Muammar Gaddafi laid the foundation stone for the pipe production plant at Brega, and the Great Man-Made River Project began. Around 1,300 wells were dug into the desert soil, some up to 500 meters deep, to pump water from the subterranean water reserve. The pumped water is then distributed to 6.5 million people living in the cities of Tripoli, Benghazi, Sirte and elsewhere through a network of underground pipes 2,800 km long. When the fifth and final phase of the project is complete, the network will have 4,000 km length of pipes that will enable 155,000 hectares of land to be cultivated. Even with the last two phases yet to complete, the Great Man-Made River is the world’s largest irrigation project.

The pipeline first reached Tripoli in 1996, at the completion of the first phase of the project. Adam Kuwairi, a senior figure in the Great Man-Made River Authority (GMRA), vividly remembers the impact the fresh water had on him and his family.

“The water changed lives. For the first time in our history, there was water in the tap for washing, shaving and showering,” he told BBC. “The quality of life is better now, and it’s impacting on the whole country.”

The project was so well recognized internationally that in 1999, UNESCO accepted Libya’s offer to fund the Great Man-Made River International Water Prize, an award that rewards remarkable scientific research work on water usage in arid areas.


US citizens protesting against US military action in Libya in Minneapolis, on March 21, 2011. Photo credit

In July 2011, NATO bombed the Great Man-Made River water supply pipeline near Brega including a factory that produces the pipes, claiming that the factory was used as “a military storage facility” and that “rockets were launched from there”. NATO’s attack on the pipeline disrupted water supply for 70% of the population who depended on the piped supply for personal use and for irrigation. The country now reeling under civil war, the future of the Great Man-Made River Project is in jeopardy.

Back in 1991, at the opening of the first phase of the project, Muammar Gaddafi had prophetically said about the largest civil engineering venture in the world:

“After this achievement, American threats against Libya will double. The United States will make excuses, but the real reason is to stop this achievement, to keep the people of Libya oppressed.”


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Fleet of more than one hundred transporters has altogether travelled a distance equal to the distance between the Earth and Sun. Photo credit


Transport of pipe segments. Photo credit


Work on trench digging for waterpipe. Photo credit


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Primary Water – Locators and Drilling Companies

Primary Water – Locators and Drilling Companies 

Please Note:

Not ALL well drilling companies know how to locate primary water.

We are providing these primary water companies that can HELP you locate and access water on your Land.

It is up to you to speak with these organizations and make your own decisions how to best go forward with the HELP you may need.

Ted Moore and Mike Page

Primary Water Resources

Main Office

Primary Water Resources
Ojai, CA 93023, US


Primary Water Technologies

Mark Burr –

Radio show:


Burr Plumbing and Pumping


Lawrence Anthony Earth Org  LAEO

Barbara Wiseman – President

International President
Barbara Wiseman, 818 406-6321
(based in the U.S.) E-mail:

Get in touch: 16215 Askin Dr., Suite 201
Pine Mountain Club, CA 93222-6842


20 2020


By Barbara Wiseman 

Pine Mountain Club, California – July 20, 2020 Australia and the western United States have something in common–unsustainable water use and management practices. With temperatures rising over the globe, devastating droughts and wildfires are becoming a norm. Water scarcities have reached high-anxiety threat levels across many regions around the world, which then domino into food…

Read More…

WATER WARS – We Are NOT Running Out of Primary Water 05/21/2021

WATER WARS – We Are NOT Running Out of Primary Water 

Here is a video featuring Pal Pauer, from the Primary Water Institute who is being interviewed by Deborah Tavares. 05/2021


One Drive:!AlJzJbLU29pagp0gbtIO9AqCnFVe2w

New Water for a Thirsty World – Free PDF Download

Primary Water Deleted Wiki posting

Primary Water Explained

Report from Iron Mountain

The Garlock Project – Drilling for Primary Water in the Tehachapi’s

Pal Pauer’s mentor Hydrologist and Mining Engineer Dr. Stephan Riess was convinced that the primary water source for California City (California) originated from the Garlock Fault. His dream for testing his hypothesis materialized when Pal Pauer drilled two test boreholes adjacent to the Garlock Fault in the Tehachapi Mountains at a 6,000-foot elevation. The outcome is remarkable! The possibilities for water in Southern California are endless.

Quality Unknown, The invisible water crisis, World Bank Group

If you want to make progress on all the major global challenges, start with water