Category Archives: WATER WARS
The Great Man-Made River of Libya 1
This is a story of Primary Water and Why We are NOT Running Out of Water –
Water is a Renewable.
The Bankers and Controllers DO NOT Want YOU to Know the TRUTH About Water.
Please – Learn What Water Really Is and Where Water Really Comes From
HINT: Water “Originates” from Down Below Earth’s Mantel and is NOT From Rain and Snow Melt.
Learn More: Go to
to the video channel where there are many water interviews
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Back in 1991, at the opening of the first phase of the project, Muammar Gaddafi had prophetically said about the largest civil engineering venture in the world:
“After this achievement, American threats against Libya will double. The United States will make excuses, but the real reason is to stop this achievement, to keep the people of Libya oppressed.”
Now adding to what Muammar Gaddafi foresaw the truth of primary water as a renewable and available EVERYWHERE was to be suppressed at ALL costs.
No one was to learn the Earth is the Water Planet and We Are NOT Running Out of Water.
One of the biggest development projects that Libya’s murdered ex-president Muammar Gaddafi undertook during his forty-two-year rule was the Great Man-Made River. Gaddafi’s dream was to provide fresh water for everyone, and to turn the desert green, making Libya self-sufficient in food production. To make this dream a reality, Gaddafi commissioned a massive engineering project consisting of a network of underground pipes that would bring fresh clean water from from down below Earth’s mantel known as Primary Water. Down below the Sahara Desert Primary Water was accessed for the many suffering from drought. Gaddafi called it the “Eighth Wonder of the World”. The western media rarely mentioned it, and whenever it did, it was dismissed as a “vanity project” calling it “Gaddafi’s Pet Project” and “the pipe dream of a mad dog”. But truth is, the Great Man-Made River Project is a fantastic water delivery system that has changed lives of Libyans all across the country.
Libya is one of the sunniest and driest countries in the world. There are places where decades may pass without seeing any rainfall at all, and even in the highlands rainfall seldom happens, like once every 5 to 10 years. Less than 5% of the country receives enough rainfall for settled agriculture. Much of Libya’s water supply used to come from desalination plants on the coast, which were expensive and therefore used only for domestic purposes. Little was left for irrigating the land.
In 1953, while searching for new oilfields in southern Libya, vast quantities of ancient water aquifers were discovered. The exploration team discovered four huge basins with estimated capacities of each ranging between 4,800 and 20,000 cubic km. Most of this water was collected between 38,000 and 14,000 years ago, before the end of the last ice age, when the Saharan region enjoyed a temperate climate.
After Gaddafi and the Free Unitary Officers seized power in a bloodless coup in 1969, the new government immediately nationalized the oil companies and started using the revenues from oil to set up hundreds of bore wells to bring fresh water from the desert aquifers. Initially, Gaddafi planned to set up large-scale agricultural projects in the desert where the water was found, but when the people displayed reluctance to move, he conceived a plan to bring the water to the people instead.
Schematic drawing of the project. Photo credit
In August 1984, Muammar Gaddafi laid the foundation stone for the pipe production plant at Brega, and the Great Man-Made River Project began. Around 1,300 wells were dug into the desert soil, some up to 500 meters deep, to pump water from the subterranean water reserve. The pumped water is then distributed to 6.5 million people living in the cities of Tripoli, Benghazi, Sirte and elsewhere through a network of underground pipes 2,800 km long. When the fifth and final phase of the project is complete, the network will have 4,000 km length of pipes that will enable 155,000 hectares of land to be cultivated. Even with the last two phases yet to complete, the Great Man-Made River is the world’s largest irrigation project.
The pipeline first reached Tripoli in 1996, at the completion of the first phase of the project. Adam Kuwairi, a senior figure in the Great Man-Made River Authority (GMRA), vividly remembers the impact the fresh water had on him and his family.
“The water changed lives. For the first time in our history, there was water in the tap for washing, shaving and showering,” he told BBC. “The quality of life is better now, and it’s impacting on the whole country.”
The project was so well recognized internationally that in 1999, UNESCO accepted Libya’s offer to fund the Great Man-Made River International Water Prize, an award that rewards remarkable scientific research work on water usage in arid areas.
US citizens protesting against US military action in Libya in Minneapolis, on March 21, 2011. Photo credit
In July 2011, NATO bombed the Great Man-Made River water supply pipeline near Brega including a factory that produces the pipes, claiming that the factory was used as “a military storage facility” and that “rockets were launched from there”. NATO’s attack on the pipeline disrupted water supply for 70% of the population who depended on the piped supply for personal use and for irrigation. The country now reeling under civil war, the future of the Great Man-Made River Project is in jeopardy.
Back in 1991, at the opening of the first phase of the project, Muammar Gaddafi had prophetically said about the largest civil engineering venture in the world:
“After this achievement, American threats against Libya will double. The United States will make excuses, but the real reason is to stop this achievement, to keep the people of Libya oppressed.”
Fleet of more than one hundred transporters has altogether travelled a distance equal to the distance between the Earth and Sun. Photo credit
Transport of pipe segments. Photo credit
Work on trench digging for waterpipe. Photo credit
Primary Water – Locators and Drilling Companies
Primary Water – Locators and Drilling Companies
Please Note:
Not ALL well drilling companies know how to locate primary water.
We are providing these primary water companies that can HELP you locate and access water on your Land.
It is up to you to speak with these organizations and make your own decisions how to best go forward with the HELP you may need.
Ted Moore and Mike Page
Primary Water Resources
Main Office
Primary Water Resources
Ojai, CA 93023, US
Primary Water Technologies
Mark Burr –
Burr Plumbing and Pumping
Lawrence Anthony Earth Org LAEO
Barbara Wiseman – President
International President
Barbara Wiseman, 818 406-6321
(based in the U.S.) E-mail:
Get in touch: 16215 Askin Dr., Suite
Pine Mountain Club, CA 93222-6842
20 2020
By Barbara Wiseman
Pine Mountain Club, California – July 20, 2020 Australia and the western United States have something in common–unsustainable water use and management practices. With temperatures rising over the globe, devastating droughts and wildfires are becoming a norm. Water scarcities have reached high-anxiety threat levels across many regions around the world, which then domino into food…
New Well in Kenya School with Solar Pump @ 60 gal./min from only a 6″ borehole.
PRIMARY WATER – The cycle: Will the primary water above the mantle cause environmental issues?
From: pal k pauerSubject: Re: The cycleDate: November 16, 2018 at 11:44:14 AM PSTTisztelt Zsolt,Manapsag konnyebben tudok irni Angolul es ezen valszban roviden csak ennyit a temarol:Some Atmospheric Water will co-mingle with Primary Water at the “Subduction-Zones” along the Continental Plates!The planet however, continues to make additional solid Volumes from Magma!The first phase of TRANSMUTATION/CREATION is from Magma to gaseous forms i.e. into all gases including Hydrogen and Oxygen.Second phase occurs when Hydrogen and Oxygen combines proportionally to create water gas i.e. water vapor.The precipitated matter is WATER and is no longer COMPRESSIBLE! Thus our Planet with an active Magmatic Core Continues to Grow in Size and Volume.The understanding of the Continental Drift theory goes a long way to explain the ongoing emergence of New Waters.The separation of South America and Africa occurred at the continued addition of Water forcing the dry landmass ever farther apart along the line of the original fracture.It is impossible to estimate the rate/volume of the additional Water Converted from Magma and added to our planet, but it is safe to say that it is beyond our abilities to control or regulate this ongoing process.Our quest to Better Understand Water should go a long way in helping to understand the origins of Life Itself.Thank You for Your interest in Primary Water.The BestAs always,
A recent study documented the presence of vast quantities of water locked far beneath the earth’s surface. That study confirmed “that there is a very, very large amount of water that’s trapped in a really distinct layer in the deep Earth… approaching the sort of mass of water that’s present in all the world’s ocean”
From: Zsolt
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 3:14 AM
Subject: The cycleDear Pal,I tried to read about Primary water. So far I don’t understand something. Unfortunately q&a did not cover this, so that’s why I’m writing to you now.
Well I might be wrong, but water, involved in secondary water cycle, will never get back under the mantle.
So the amount of water will increase above the mantle over time. And if humanity starts to bring up primary water in a faster rate can it cause environmental issues due to increased water saturation above the mantle?Thank you in anticipation!
Best Regards,
WATER: Pricing SCHEMES for water conservation with cost recovery – Loehman – 2008
WATER – Facts YOU Need to Know About Primary Water . . .
WATER SUPPLIES – Tracked Worldwide: Landsat’s Thermal Band Mapping – The World Bank Water Management (Rothschild) and many others
Full paper in link above.
Precious Resources: Water and Landsat’s Thermal Band
“Chronic water supply problems in many areas of the West are among the
greatest challenges we face in the coming decades.” Mark Limbaugh, the U.S.
Department of the Interior’s (DOI) Assistant Secretary for Water and Science, told
U.S. Senators in 2006.1
He was largely echoing the findings of the DOI Water 2025 report. The report
explains that if future conflict over water in the West is to be avoided, water
efficiency needs to improve.2
Until then, conflict and environmental degradation
will be the costs of the increasing demands––dominated by agricultural irrigation
and swelling city populations––on limited water supplies.
Irrigation: a numerical explanation
Irrigation accounts for 80% of fresh water use in the U.S3
and worldwide, the
World Bank estimates 70% of fresh water use is for agriculture.4
The U.S. irrigates
over 50 million acres of agricultural land and 32 million acres of recreational
landscapes (lawns, golf courses, etc.).5
The total volume consumed by agriculture
and landscape irrigation is 50 trillion gallons per year;6
western states are
responsible for 86% of that consumption.7
A growing problem
The arid U.S. West is experiencing explosive population growth. The 2000
Census reported that one third of all Americans live in the West, and that the West
accounted for half of the overall U.S. population growth over that decade.8
Seven of the ten fastest growing U.S. cities are found in the West and
Albuquerque, El Paso, Las Vegas, and Tucson will not be able to supply enough
water for their burgeoning growth with present sources.9
Recent drought brought
about bitter legal battles for the precious water resources of the Rio Grande River
highlighting that the river’s waters are stretched thin between the city of
Albuquerque, farmers, endangered species, and local Native Americans
WATER LIES: A Guide for Private Domestic Well Owners . . . California State Water Resources “Control” Board . . .
“Most groundwater comes from rain and snow that falls to the ground and percolates downward through the soil, until it accumulates above a confining layer (see Figure 1), or aquitard (see Figure 4). The area in the ground that is filled with water is called the saturated zone, and the top of the saturated zone is called the water table”. (What you just read is NOT the truth)