WATER PSYWARS: Vandals Attack an Inflatable Dam – 50 Million Gallons of Water went into San Francisco Bay . . . posted on www.PrimaryWater.org
COMMENT: We will most likely witness more sabotage of our surface water supplies (secondary water cycle – toxic atmospheric water) as this deliberate engineered drought continues in California while the media ramps up on the hoax of water scarcity. . Remember, California is run by Rothschild/Rockefeller agencies and is waging war on public water resources in-order to privatize control, steal property, reduce the food supply and charge more for water . . . NASA recently told Californian’s they had only one year of water left. WHAT? Guess that’s now ten months of water remaining. So naturally we can expect the dumping of stored surface water and the reduced up stream flows of water that PG&E was just granted. (PG&E is Rothschild). Primary water is NEW water and has NEVER been exposed to the poisonous atmospheric pollution as the reservoirs, lakes and other surface water containments have been. The invented false science of water is serving political agendas.
The REAL News is Water is renewable and is continually created within the mantel of the Earth. Watch the YouTube “Primary Water Explained” and go to www.PrimaryWater.org for the REAL water science . . .
50 Million Gallons Of Water Lost In Attack On Inflatable Dam, Worsening Drought Emergency For Alameda County « CBS San Francisco . .
Fremont police report vandals accessed a restricted area early Thursday, irreversibly damaging the barrier holding back the water which was supposed to go into the Niles Cone Groundwater Basin where residents and businesses in Newark, Union City, and Fremont could access the critically needed supplies. 81,000 customers are in that area.
Instead, the water flowed into the San Francisco Bay.
The district tells CBS SF in a press release, “While the water loss was substantial, the District does not believe it will have a long-term impact on its water supply operations.”
See YouTube Here:
Vandals damage dam, nearly 50 million gallons of water …
www.mercurynews.com/…/vandals–damage-dam…San Jose Mercury News7 hours ago – The loss of 49 million gallons of water began sometime Thursday morning, when an inflatable dam on Alameda Creek was destroyed. Alameda …
Police said the felony vandalism was an intentional act, but as of Friday afternoon had no suspects and were not exactly sure how it was damaged. The dam is in a restricted area, authorities said.
150 acre feet of water was lost. Generally, an “acre-foot”–the amount of water used to fill an acre of land up to one foot, is thought to supply a suburban family of four for a year. In the Bay Area, it can last much farther. 325,850 gallons make up one single acre foot. The water district handles water for 340,000 people in the southern part of the county.