INSIDER COMMENT: The article you will read below is covering-up the real water science. Since the water facts are emerging and people are understanding the Water Scarcity Crisis is a HOAX we can expect to read more attempts to hide the water facts . . . Those that are positioned to profit the most from the illusion of scarce water resources are scrambling to invent confusion as you will see in the article below. . . You will note the article states, “after decades of theorizing and searching, scientists are reporting that they’ve finally found a massive reservoir of water in the Earth’s mantle – a reservoir so vast that could fill the Earth’s oceans three times over. This discovery suggests that Earth’s surface water actually came from within, as part of a “whole-Earth water cycle”, rather than the prevailing theory of icy comets striking Earth billions of years ago” End Quote –
Of course, the scientists HAD to move out of the icy comet theory since so much has been revealed about Primary Water and consistently PROVEN for many many decades . . . What is being hidden in the article are the simple words – Water is RENEWABLE and is continuously created as a constant natural process within the Earth’s mantle . . . Think about hot and cold springs, geysers, desert oasis and many wells that have been providing pure clean water to other cities, countries and privileged people world-wide. . . Primary water has been a well kept secret . . And the article below is NOT the entire TRUTH . . . Go to where you can read the water bible “New Water for a Thirsty World”. Watch the YouTube “Primary Water Explained” and take ACTION to help get the REAL WATER FACTS OUT – FAR and WIDE!
EXCERPT: A fascinating new discovery. Posted 5/7/2015 . . .
After decades of theorizing and searching, scientists are reporting that they’ve finally found a massive reservoir of water in the Earth’s mantle — a reservoir so vast that could fill the Earth’s oceans three times over. This discovery suggests that Earth’s surface water actually came from within, as part of a “whole-Earth water cycle,” rather than the prevailing theory of icy comets striking Earth billions of years ago. As always, the more we understand about how the Earth formed, and how its multitude of interior layers continue to function, the more accurately we can predict the future. Weather, sea levels, climate change — these are all closely linked to the tectonic activity that endlessly churns away beneath our feet.
This new study, authored by a range of geophysicists and scientists from across the US, leverages data from the USArray — an array of hundreds of seismographs located throughout the US that are constantly listening to movements in the Earth’s mantle and core. After listening for a few years, and carrying out lots of complex calculations, the researchers believe that they’ve found a huge reserve of water that’s located in the transition zone between the upper and lower mantle — a region that occupies between 400 and 660 kilometers (250-410 miles) below our feet.
With all that said, there could be massive repercussions if this study’s findings are accurate. Even if the ringwoodite only contains around 2.6% water, the volume of the transition zone means this underground reservoir could contain enough water to re-fill our oceans three times over. I’m not saying that this gives us the perfect excuse to continue our abuse of Earth’s fresh water reserves, but it’s definitely something to mull over. This would also seem to discount the prevailing theory that our surface water arrived on Earth via a bunch of icy comets.