WATER LIES: A Guide for Private Domestic Well Owners . . . California State Water Resources “Control” Board . . .

WATER LIES:  A Guide for Private Domestic Well Owners . . . California State Water Resources “Control” Board . . .
Keep in mind the water “control” boards will NOT tell you about Primary Water. 
The water “control” boards are denying us the truth about where water really originates.  The “control” boards tell us our water comes from rain and snow melt which is the “secondary” water cycle. We are NEVER told about the Primary Water Cycle.  ALL water comes from down below the mantel of the earths crust where hydrogen and oxygen merge creating vapor and is forced under pressure to the surface becoming the pure fresh water we are being denied.
We can NO longer depend upon water “control” boards, water “control” agencies, water “control” policies or any talking heads that are dishonest.
We are being told water is running out and we have severe water shortages.  This is NOT true.
Understand the water “control” agents are extremely dangerous and simply put without water massive numbers of people will die.  All the water scare tactics and forced rationing schemes will reduce the food supply and force relocations of population that become resource refugees.
Please go to www.PrimaryWater.org and share with everyone you know the REAL truth about the abundance of pure clean Primary Water. .
The guide you will read below demonstrates the disinformation we are being told.  Here is an example of the GREAT WATER LIE you will read in their intentional disinformation guide:

“Most groundwater comes from rain and snow that falls to the ground and percolates downward through the soil, until it accumulates above a confining layer (see Figure 1), or aquitard (see Figure 4). The area in the ground that is filled with water is called the saturated zone, and the top of the saturated zone is called the water table”.  (What you just read is NOT the truth)

A Guide for Private Domestic Well Owners . . . California State Water Resources “Control” Board . . .
