COMMENT: Remember we DO NOT have a water shortage. Water is RENEWABLE – We have Primary Water. . . go to to learn the REAL Water Science . . .
TURN in YOUR Neighbor: Drought app lets you tattle-tale on water wasters in your community . . App to go state-wide, then nation-wide . . .
Amid the drought in California where residents are being asked to conserve water, one county created an app that lets neighbors report people wasting water. VPC . . . 6/3/15
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — With Californians tasked to cut back water during a four-year drought, the sound of water run-off has become a call to action.
California’s Placer County Water Agency has two new smart phone apps, launched last October. One is a shower timer, which converts time in shower to gallons of water used.
The second, sure to be more discussed, allows people to report water wasters.